Archive by Author

20 Clean and Minimal Ecommerce Designs

20 Clean and Minimal Ecommerce Designs

Ecommerce is an ever-growing industry that is convenient for both seller and buyer. Shoppers can buy products without leaving the house, while merchants can manage a website rather than an entire store. But when developing your online store, you should approach its design the same way you would a physical store, and think about what [...]

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On: 30  Jan  2013

20 Simple and Beautiful Landing Pages

If you want to get a web user’s attention, you need to present them with something really arresting. Whether that means customized illustrations, huge type, or gorgeous photos, your landing page design needs to draw potential users in and get them to click that button, or sign up for that newsletter. All the most attention-grabbing [...]

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On: 26  Oct  2012